What is your ROI?
Often we take for granted that WE are our family’s and company’s greatest asset. How do you view yourself and your worth to your company, to your friends and family and most importantly to yourself? Just as we protect and take care of our assets such as our finances and home, it is important to protect yourself in the same way. So how do you maximize YOU as your #1 Asset:
Physical Health: We want our assets to appreciate overtime, not depreciate. So it is important that you treat your body the same way. This includes healthy eating, exercising and reducing your stress. DO NOT WAIT until a doctor tells you there is a problem to start correcting it. That would be like waiting until you are 50 to start saving for your retirement. The earlier you start taking care of yourself now, the bigger the gains you’ll see later on.
Mental and Emotional Life Harmony: This is what the Sway Life is all about. Swaying from one aspect of your life to the next in a smooth transition to keep you calm and happy.
Professional development: Another way to make sure YOU as an asset continues to appreciate over time is by bringing more knowledge into your work space. Continuing your education through books, classes, seminars, etc. are a great way to continue your personal growth. See what is offered for free through your work or if they will help support your continuing education. If you are not employed or self-employed, check out all the professional organizations in your area and attend as many workshops as you can to develop your skillsets.
Re-creation: This is the PLAY part of the Sway Life. It is important that you reconnect and recreate yourself through doing what you love. What hobbies do you have to give yourself a healthy break from the responsibilities that come with your career and home life? Where do you get the most joy?
Replication: The best thing that we can do for our family, our personal well-being and our company is training and teaching others. You are a treasure full of great knowledge, don’t keep it to yourself. Share it with others. Mentor a child, coach a peer, or invest in an internship program. No matter how you choose to share your treasures, you will be seeing a positive ROI in your time.
Remember, there is no such thing as a work life and a personal life, you just have One Life! Take the opportunity to make the most of it to get the maximum ROI.