Mental Break Tips to Relax

The first week back after a holiday break or vacation is hard. If you are overwhelmed or overstressed as you get back to your routine, don’t forget to slow down and take mental breaks. Breaks not only help your sanity but improve your productivity. Here is a printable reminder of 48 different ways that you can get your mental break and relax throughout the day.

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Seeing through a cloud of uncertainty

After a year of trying to see through a cloud of uncertainty, it is hard to even think about setting goals or expectations for the next year. As you try to look ahead through the fog, here is the advice I give to you and that I am giving to myself. 2021 is not the year for your Big Audacious Goals. Make 2021 the year of small wins.

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2020 – the year that will stop you or change you – your choice

If you feel like you have gotten slightly off track or completely derailed from your plan for the year, I am here to tell you that hope is not lost. You can hit the ‘refresh’ button. Let a new set of words define your goals and year. Refresh. Refocus. Renewed. Restart. When you hit the refresh, what I challenge you to do is find your WHY.

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Hosting Effective Virtual Meetings

There is a lot of value with face to face interaction and meetings. Many times, this is not an option. With virtual offices, working from home, and telecommuting becoming more popular, the need for virtual meetings and conference calls has increased. The good news is, when done correctly, a call or webinar can have the same level of engagement and productivity as an in-person meeting. As a professional who has worked from an at home office for over 6 years, I have some best practice tips to share to make a big impact while utilizing technology. Through this blog post, I will discuss three different formats for communication that include one on one touch points, conference calls and webinars. Hopefully these best practices will help you feel confident as you enter your virtual world.

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New Year; New Goals

FREE PRINTABLE TEMPLATES. Each new year brings an opportunity to reflect and set goals for the upcoming year. Rather than thinking about them as resolutions, I approach it the same way I do any project at work with S.M.A.R.T. Goals in all areas of life. Because I am a very visual person, I do this exercise through vision boards. I have included 3 templates with how to use them below to set up your own vision board for 2020.

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Casey BarileComment
Let’s get to work: Changing Habits

It is easy for us to all agree on the benefits for routines.  You wouldn’t be reading this far if you didn’t see the value.  In the previous two articles, I’ve identified the importance of routines and the different routine clusters that make up your day, now it’s time to Get to Work.  We can’t change our habits to get to that ideal day overnight, so we need to start with one segment at a time. 

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Routine Clustering

It is important to think about routines in clusters.  Every person has a morning routine, work routine, eating routine, evening routine, personal care routine and nighttime routine.  If you do not work, you can replace that with ‘daytime’ routine. I’m sure that you have an ideal schedule to fit in errands, volunteering, childcare, cleaning, etc.  Whatever this looks like for you, just as you have different characteristics depending on the life role you are playing, each routine established in your day is the same way.

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Daily Routines

It is that time of the year again.  Football kicks off and kids are back in school, which means that the family routine is back in gear.  Clothes laid out, lunches packed, homework before TV – whatever it is – I am sure that if you are a parent you have your kids in a pretty set schedule during the school days.  You map out what days they have different activities, make sure they are getting enough sleep and eating a balanced diet.  Ok let’s get real, sometimes it is just making sure that you feed them something while carting them from school to some type of practice.  Either way, you have a system in place.  So why is it that when it comes to our own lives, we aren’t as disciplined?

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Healthy Travel Foods - Almond Joy Energy Balls

Eating healthy when you are traveling is hard. Just like everything else in life, the more you prepare, the better off you will be. Because I have a lot of work travel coming up, I wanted to take the extra steps to make sure my diet doesn’t suffer in the process. Here are a few of my go-to travel foods including a recipe for my Almond Joy Energy Balls.

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Summer Vacation or Stresscation - Your Choice

When you are a kid thinking about summer, you are thinking about fun camps, family vacations and lazy days. When you are an adult with children thinking about summer, you are thinking “crap, I need to sign them up for camp”, “I’ve got so much work to do before vacation” and “how am I going to keep my kids from being lazy while I still have to work?” Oh, to have a child’s mindset again…  But summer can still be fun!  If we maximize our time at work and set personal check lists, we can make sure that when we can unplug for a bit, we REALLY unplug. 

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Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate

Stress can manifest in many ways.  And it wreaks havoc to our body.  One common one is dehydration.  Whether it is from forgetting to drink water, consuming high levels of caffeine instead, poor diet or a combination of all the above, dehydration can do serious damage to your body. 

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Casey BarileComment
Finding Your Sway

When it comes to tackling a big task at work, many times the hardest part is getting started. If you can get over that hurdle, how do you manage to stay focused when other things continue to get thrown your way? It is important to find your Work Sway.

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Casey BarileComment
How do You Sway?

The idea of having balance in life is a difficult concept to actually achieve. It is never possible to achieve full balance between all life demands. With more people working from home this becomes even more challenging. When does the work day end and your personal life begin? Maybe there doesn’t need to be a hard stop and start. Maybe, all that is important is to be fully present in the moment. That is what Sway Life is all about. Swaying from one part of your life to the next to be in that moment.

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Casey BarileComment
What is your ROI?

Often we take for granted that WE are our family’s and company’s greatest asset. How do you view yourself and your worth to your company, to your friends and family and most importantly to yourself? Just as we protect and take care of our assets such as our finances and home, it is important to protect yourself in the same way. So how do you maximize YOU as your #1 Asset

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